Since 2017, The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation rewards national research initiatives which aim to understand the interaction between microbiota and different pathologies. By promoting scientists from around the world at a key moment in their career, the grant seeks to motivate researchers to continue to explore the world of gut microbiota.

The annual call for proposals is carried out in countries where Biocodex has a subsidiary presence. An independent local scientific committee – made up of individuals recognized for their expertise in the microbiota field – gathers all proposals and selects the winning project to be granted. 

Biocodex Microbiota Foundation in collaboration with Biocodex Microbiota Institute put national winners in the spotlight through testimonies and interviews!

Have a look here

National grant_banner
National AwardNational research grant
Scientific research around the world

Since 2017, The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation rewards national research initiatives which aim to understand the interaction between microbiota and different pathologies. By promoting scientists from around the world at a key moment in their career, the grant seeks to motivate researchers.

Granted projects


Morocco flag
Morocco flag
2020 Morocco winner Pr. Azeddine Ibrahimi

Rôle du microbiote intestinal dans la pathogénie des maladies auto-immunes systémiques

Claudia Perez
mexico flag
2020 Mexico Winner Dr. Claudia Pérez Cruz

Determination of the estrobolomic brain axis and its importance in Alzheimer’s disease

Pr. Oleg Shifrin
Russia flag
2020 Russia winner Pr. Oleg Shifrin

Роль антибиотикотерапии в изменении состава кишечной микробиоты и возникновении симптомов функциональных заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта

Prof. Laure ELENS
belgium flag
2020 Belgium winner Prof. Laure Elens

Study of the gut human microbiome and its relationship with immunosuppressive pharmacotherapy in stable renal transplant patients

2020 Nordics winner (Latvia) Pr. Daiga Santare

Effect of the Nordic diet on composition and functional profile of faecal microbiota and symptoms of fatigue in patients with mild and moderate ulcerative colitis

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france flag
2020 France Winner Dr. Guillaume Carrier

Détermination de facteurs microbiologiques prédictifs de mauvaise réponse au traitement néoadjuvant dans les cancers du rectum : focus sur les Escherichia coli productrices de cyclomodulines

Dra. Ana Faria & Fernando M. Pimentel-Santos MD, PhD
portugal flag
2020 Portugal Winner Dra. Ana Faria & Fernando M. Pimentel-Santos MD, PhD

MicroSpA & MicroRA : The role of microbiome on biological therapy efficacy in axial Spondyloarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - a new paradigm