The project should lead to new mechanistic biological insights that are relevant to human health and disease.
Purely descriptive studies are not in the scope.

The purpose

The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation founds research projects focused on human gut microbiota related to health and disease. Every year, the call for proposals covers a specific theme chosen by an International Scientific Committee. Either clinical or fundamental research proposals can be submitted.

The maximal duration of the project will be 3 years.

The applicants

The grant is open to physicians, PhD's and Pharm-D's working in the subject area (gastroenterology, pediatrics, microbiology, infectious diseases and internal medicine, etc).

There are no geographic limitations of applicants. Candidates from all countries are potentially eligible.

A principal investigator having already received a Biocodex Microbiota Foundation international grant cannot apply anymore. However, principal investigator of a National Grant can apply for the International Grant.

The grant

The annual grant is set at €200,000 VAT included, independently of the duration of the project (between 1 and 3 years).

When the duration of the research is longer than one year, the payment of the grant will be spread annually and according to the provisional budget, under the condition that Biocodex Microbiota Foundation receives annual interim reports.

The grant will be awarded to researchers within universities, hospitals or other research settings in order to finance equipment, operations or staffing costs associated with the project. However, the grants will not be awarded to an individual.

The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation is a non-profit organization and thus, the institution overhead costs cannot be more than 10%.

The use of the total amount of 200 000€ must be justified. It is not possible to include: travels, congress expenses, accommodation expenses or publication costs.

The review of applications

All applications will be reviewed by the independent International Scientific Committee according to the following criteria:

  • The proposal's consistency with the predetermined subject
  • Its scientific quality
  • Its originality
  • Its benefit to human health
  • The quality of the researcher
  • The quality of the research environment
  • The feasibility of the project

The International Scientific Committee is independent from the Company and is sovereign.

Their decisions will not be contested and do not have to be justified.

The applicants' undertakings

The applicants agree to provide the Foundation with a final report within the six months following the end of the project. However, if the project is longer than one year, they agree to provide an annual interim report, at each anniversary date.

The applicants will mention the Biocodex Foundation's support in any communication or publication of their work with the following sentence: "this work was (partially) supported by the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation". Applicant will send copies of these communications or publications to the Foundation.

The applicants authorize the Biocodex Foundation to publicize its support for their proposal and grants both on the Foundation website and through other means by uploading the non-confidential summary of the proposal.

Click here to find out more about the information notice.

The postponement of the grant

If there are insufficient applications, the Foundation reserves the right to move the deadline for submitting applications to a later date or to postpone the call.

The application form can be downloaded by clicking the icon below :

Download application

Once you have completed the application form, the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation would be grateful if you could submit your application electronically using the following e-mail address:

Please note the submission deadline: 30 November 2024 (24:CET). Following submission, all applicants will receive a receipt confirmation.
A late application form will, unfortunately, not be accepted for review by the International Scientific Committee of the Foundation.

Application process (see application form):

All project proposals have to be written in English and in arial, 10 and must respect the stated word limits. They must include:
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae: your CV should not exceed two pages including your best and most recent publications
- A confidential scientific summary of the proposal (1 page)
- A non-confidential simplified summary of the project (1/2 page): keep in mind, if your proposal is selected, this document will be published on the Foundation website
- Project description

  • 3 pages project description including the general context of your proposal, objectives, methodology, expected results, teams involved in the proposal, any necessary authorization from administrative authorities, reasons for requesting funding.
  • 1 page of bibliography
  • 1 page outlining your budget
  • 1 page outlining your time line

Applicants must notify the Foundation of any other funding received or requested for the project submitted.

Submissions deadline : 11/30/2024

International's winning projects

2024 International Grant WinnerDr Nicolas Cenac, PhD

Functional microbiota dysbiosis induces visceral pain: role of maternal milk on microbiota implantation under stress condition

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2021 International Grant winnerPr. Richard Delorme

Randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of transplantation of fecal microbiota in children with autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms

Bercik_International winner
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2020 International Grant WinnerPr. Premysl Bercik

Clostridium difficile-induced post-infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Study of the mechanisms and treatments